Nose (Rhinoplasty)
The correction of the nose is called Rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty corrects and improves the shape of the nose. It also removes imperfections on the nose.
This surgery does not modify the personality of the face, but it rather improves its balance.
in practical terms
Before the surgery:
The patient schedules an appointment with the surgeon to find out about the patient’s requests. The surgeon evaluates the nasal pyramid, how it relates to the rest of the face, the ventilation quality, and whether there is a deviation of the nasal septum. He also provides a pre-operative assessment and care. The patient then meets the anaesthesist at least 48 hours before the surgery.
It is recommended not to smoke 30 days before the surgery and not to take any medication containing aspirin or anti-inflammatory 10 days before.
During the surgery:
The surgeon lifts the skin covering the bone and cartilage to correct the structure of the nose.
Scars are almost invisible since incisions are made inside the nostrils (closed rhinoplasty) or below the tip of the nose (open rhinoplasty).
A plaster is then placed on the nose and thin bandages are placed inside the nostrils.
After the surgery:
Swelling, red patches and difficulty to breathe may appear after the surgery. It is however not painful.
It is recommended to rest, to sleep with the head slightly elevated, and to avoid effort.
The thin bandages inside the nose are removed between 1 and 3 days after the procedure, and the plaster is removed around 6 days later.
The patient can go back to professional activities around 10 to 15 after the surgery.
The final result may take 6 to 18 months to be fully visible.
Are there complications after a Rhinoplasty?
Complications are very rare. The patient may experience a loss of sensitivity in the nose areas and bruises may appear. Infections are possible but extremely rare.